Center, Clarify and be well.

Qigong practice is good for your energy, balance and wellbeing.

My weekly classes in Bremen and online are open to everyone.

Feel free to join in and begin your own regular practice!

Weekly Classes:

Online sessions take place on Monday and Friday mornings.

contact me directly for an invitation:

Classes in Bremen are on Tuesday morning and Friday evening.

more Information here

Solo sessions can also be arranged. Please contact me for details.

“I joined Luke's Qigong sessions with basic grounding in Qigong from China.  I really enjoyed the composition of forms, explanation of movements, which didn't take any room away from actually getting immersed in the form.”

- Sabine

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Videos for Practice

Shibashi Set 1

Shibashi Set 2

winter warmers

Practice standing in Wuji

About Qigong and Luke Bennett

Qigong is the practice of working with and cultivating ones own subtle life energy or Qi.

Qigong combines coordinated movements, breathing techniques and standing meditation. Regular practice improves the quality of your energy and maintains a healthy body, mind and spirit.

I endeavour to make our classes as accessible as possible and my approach to Qigong is open and uncomplicated. Some discipline is needed, but the beauty of the forms are that they are suitable for everyone, regardless of ability.

Well-balanced Qi reflects wellbeing, so we practice to remain healthy - from head to toe!

Originally from Bridport in England, I have been living in Germany for the last 20 years. Alongside teaching Qigong, I also work as an artist, designer and film maker.

My Qigong training comes from the wonderful Nicola Ley and I am a graduate teacher of The Shiatsu College, UK.

I look forward to our healthy practice!

“Luke is a wonderful teacher, who’s clarity in explanation and demonstration really helped me understand the discipline and the forms. His own knowledge, practice and skills as a teacher make the sessions one of the highlights of my week.”

- Dan
